Friday Written Jul 22, 2011 10:00pm
Another day is drawing to an end and I give thanks that Max is still alive and soon to be kicking.
We originally thought they were doing surgery today on his back but because of fever they postponed it. The fever has been an up and down kind of thing, I just left him and the fever is back up again. He has pneumonia in his lung, but they are giving him medicines for it. I pray this fever is broken and his lungs are well.
The plan for tomorrow is to put a tracheotomy tube in. He so fights the tube in his mouth/throat. His one arm is in the air to heal where they had to cut him open to release the swelling, his other arm is tied down so he can't pull the tube out.
This morning his nurse met me in the middle of the icu and said he was very alert this morning, he met her eyes, made a grimace face at her and starting swinging his arm that was in the air. She said she knew he was trying to hit her with it. She said, When you go in do you think you could not talk to him? When he is awake he tries to figure out how to get his arms untied and he tries to get his tube out of his mouth.
He's still there, even sedated and he's still fighting. If you know Max, you know he aint going down easy!
If his fever is gone Monday, they will put the rods/pins/screws in his back to straighten up the vertebrae that is shattered and that will also give the spinal cord a little more room.They are also planning to fix his broken leg if everything goes right.
While I don't want the tracheotomy, I do want him to not be agitated by the tube. I think when it's out he will calm down some.
I give thanks for everyone who is praying, thinking about us, coming by to see how he's doing and sharing Max stories. It's fun to remember how good or aggravating he can be. Its nice to think ahead to how much Im sure he will be remembered by the physical therapists.
Til tomorrow, much love.
Another day is drawing to an end and I give thanks that Max is still alive and soon to be kicking.
We originally thought they were doing surgery today on his back but because of fever they postponed it. The fever has been an up and down kind of thing, I just left him and the fever is back up again. He has pneumonia in his lung, but they are giving him medicines for it. I pray this fever is broken and his lungs are well.
The plan for tomorrow is to put a tracheotomy tube in. He so fights the tube in his mouth/throat. His one arm is in the air to heal where they had to cut him open to release the swelling, his other arm is tied down so he can't pull the tube out.
This morning his nurse met me in the middle of the icu and said he was very alert this morning, he met her eyes, made a grimace face at her and starting swinging his arm that was in the air. She said she knew he was trying to hit her with it. She said, When you go in do you think you could not talk to him? When he is awake he tries to figure out how to get his arms untied and he tries to get his tube out of his mouth.
He's still there, even sedated and he's still fighting. If you know Max, you know he aint going down easy!
If his fever is gone Monday, they will put the rods/pins/screws in his back to straighten up the vertebrae that is shattered and that will also give the spinal cord a little more room.They are also planning to fix his broken leg if everything goes right.
While I don't want the tracheotomy, I do want him to not be agitated by the tube. I think when it's out he will calm down some.
I give thanks for everyone who is praying, thinking about us, coming by to see how he's doing and sharing Max stories. It's fun to remember how good or aggravating he can be. Its nice to think ahead to how much Im sure he will be remembered by the physical therapists.
Til tomorrow, much love.