Tuesday Morning Written December 20, 2011 8:14am
Sorry about not getting the schedule up yesterday. I wasn't quite up to par. Today's schedule for Max is:
8 - 9:30 PT
10 - 10:30 nursing
10:30 - 11 OT
11 - 12 Spinal Cord Group
1 - 1:30 OT
1:30 - 2 Circuit group
2:30 - 3:30 Auto Amblator
3:30 - 4 OT
Another full day ~ not many more before he gets to come home!!
Sorry about not getting the schedule up yesterday. I wasn't quite up to par. Today's schedule for Max is:
8 - 9:30 PT
10 - 10:30 nursing
10:30 - 11 OT
11 - 12 Spinal Cord Group
1 - 1:30 OT
1:30 - 2 Circuit group
2:30 - 3:30 Auto Amblator
3:30 - 4 OT
Another full day ~ not many more before he gets to come home!!