Monday Evening Written December 5, 2011 6:02pm
Finally getting home! We had Max at Rusk this morning by 10:30. They got him into his room - 215B and had to do all the stuff they needed to do to check him in.
We ran out to get some lunch and settled he was settling into his room. Around 3:00 his Occupational Therapist came by while he was napping and told him she had a cancellation and she had 45 minutes free. We said our goodbyes (poor Rheanna had fallen asleep in his bed) and he went off to therapy and we went off to grandpa's. That made it a little easier than just up and leaving.
Max called after therapy and told me Jenny had made him lift weights and his back was sore. They are going to concentrate on strengthening his shoulders to do transfers and they will be started in the morning with working on sitting up in bed and dressing himself. It's probably a good things I won't be there........he may be sore for a little while and a little grouchy. LOL!
I encourage everyone to visit him in the evenings after 5:00. He will enjoy the break and I'm not sure what my schedule will be as far as going up there. Everyone had conflicting ideas of when I needed to be up there. His new case worker was like 3 or more days you should come.....?What? ....I might as well stay if you want me there that often. Everyone else is you should stay home so he has to do things on his own. I'm sure we will figure it out. I sure hope 3 weeks go by as fast as the weeks leading up to him going back to Rusk. Those weeks flew by.
I of course don't have his schedule. I know he will be trying to get it the night before if he can. The only thing I know for sure is PT will start at 8:30 in the morning and then OT will be at 9:00. They will try and get him in the gym as often as they can find a free minute in their schedule. I kinda feel sorry for him.....those therapists work to get their patients up and running as soon as possible.
Keep us in your prayers, he was getting a room mate when I called him. That will be a change from last time. I have more than enough to do but will probably be wondering what he's doing all day! LOL
I'll update you as soon as I know more.......
Finally getting home! We had Max at Rusk this morning by 10:30. They got him into his room - 215B and had to do all the stuff they needed to do to check him in.
We ran out to get some lunch and settled he was settling into his room. Around 3:00 his Occupational Therapist came by while he was napping and told him she had a cancellation and she had 45 minutes free. We said our goodbyes (poor Rheanna had fallen asleep in his bed) and he went off to therapy and we went off to grandpa's. That made it a little easier than just up and leaving.
Max called after therapy and told me Jenny had made him lift weights and his back was sore. They are going to concentrate on strengthening his shoulders to do transfers and they will be started in the morning with working on sitting up in bed and dressing himself. It's probably a good things I won't be there........he may be sore for a little while and a little grouchy. LOL!
I encourage everyone to visit him in the evenings after 5:00. He will enjoy the break and I'm not sure what my schedule will be as far as going up there. Everyone had conflicting ideas of when I needed to be up there. His new case worker was like 3 or more days you should come.....?What? ....I might as well stay if you want me there that often. Everyone else is you should stay home so he has to do things on his own. I'm sure we will figure it out. I sure hope 3 weeks go by as fast as the weeks leading up to him going back to Rusk. Those weeks flew by.
I of course don't have his schedule. I know he will be trying to get it the night before if he can. The only thing I know for sure is PT will start at 8:30 in the morning and then OT will be at 9:00. They will try and get him in the gym as often as they can find a free minute in their schedule. I kinda feel sorry for him.....those therapists work to get their patients up and running as soon as possible.
Keep us in your prayers, he was getting a room mate when I called him. That will be a change from last time. I have more than enough to do but will probably be wondering what he's doing all day! LOL
I'll update you as soon as I know more.......